What We Defend

Driving While Impaired (DWI)
DWI is short for “driving while impaired.” Most people know that you are “driving while impaired” if you blow at or above the legal limit (.08) while driving after drinking alcohol. But, you can also be charged with a DWI when you have had no alcohol to drink. It is now more common to see DWI charges related to use of marjuana, sleeping aids and other prescription medications. The effects of a DWI conviction are far reaching and can be quite expensive. A person convicted of a DWI may face both criminal AND civil penalties, each having long-term effects on their criminal record, Department of Motor Vehicles’ (DMV) record, and wallet.
Some of the Questions you might have about a DWI charge are:
- Can I go to jail for a DWI?
- What if I refuse to blow?
- Is a DWI a Felony or a Misdemeanor?
- Can I be arrested for driving while high?
If you have been charged with a DWI in Charlotte/Mecklenburg County Rush to contact us.

Traffic Tickets
We all get traffic tickets. The type of ticket significantly affects the possible costs and consequences. Traffic tickets can include:
- Speeding Tickets
- Driver’s License Revocation and Violations
- Registration and Inspection Violations
- Reckless Driving
- Hit and Run
- Driving Without a License
- Road Racing
Hiring Watson Defense to handle your Traffic Ticket can save you time and money by keeping you out of the Courthouse. With most tickets we can appear for you and handle your case with you via text or email.
Whatever the ticket, don’t be fooled into merely “paying it off” online or at the courthouse. Oftentimes, paying the small fine creates larger consequences down the road with license points and insurance increases.
Some of the questions you might have about your ticket are:
- Can I go to jail for speeding?
- Does it matter that this is my first ticket?
- Should I go to driving school?
- Is my insurance going to go up?
If you get a ticket in Charlotte/Mecklenburg County Rush to call us!

Misdemeanors make up the vast majority of criminal cases in Mecklenburg County. Frequently charged Misdemeanors include:
- Trespassing
- Communicating Threats
- Underage Drinking
- Assault
- Possession of Marijuana
- Breaking & Entering
- Larceny
- Gun/Weapons Charges
If you have been charged with a Misdemeanor it is important that you hire an experienced criminal law attorney as soon as possible; there are many critical steps necessary in defending a Misdemeanor charge. You may not think of a Misdemeanor as a “serious” crime, but they can carry sentences of up to 5 months in jail.
Some of the questions you might have about your Misdemeanor Charge are:
- How long until this is resolved?
- What if I have already been convicted of a Misdemeanor?
- Is it still illegal to possess Marijuana?
- Am I going to lose my job?
If you have been charged with a Misdemeanor in Charlotte/Mecklenburg County Rush to contact us.

There are hundreds of possible criminal Felony offenses in North Carolina; ranging from Murder to Possession of Marjuana. In Charlotte/Mecklenburg County, these charges are resolved in Superior Court and the criminal process is lengthy and complicated. If you are charged with a Felony Crime in Charlotte/Mecklenburg County the process may be far different than if you had been charged in other North Carolina counties, making it crucial that you have an experienced Charlotte criminal law attorney on your side. Failing to follow the process exactly can seriously alter the outcome of your case.
Frequently charged Felonies include:
- Robbery
- Burglary
- Breaking & Entering
- Larceny
- Assault
- Fraud/Embezzlement/False Pretenses
- Drug Possession
- Intent to Sell & Deliver Drugs
- Guns/Weapons Charges
Some questions you might have about your Felony Charge are:
- How long until this is resolved?
- Will I be in jail pending trial?
- How much jail time am I facing?
- What are the effects of being a convicted felon in North Carolina?
If you have been charged with a Felony in Charlotte/Mecklenburg County Rush to contact us.